Tuesday, October 8, 2019

National November Writing Month Competition

(This post is really for a limited audience. Regular political commentary could resume some day since I've closed my other political-letters-to-a-Persian-Gulf-leader blog after giving it more attention than this one.)

I've begun considering themes for NaNoWriMo again this year, having stopped last year's novel-writing race when my 90 year-old Mother had the first of several health issues. (She's much better now.) My daughter told me a couple days ago that she plans to join the November novel-writing month challenge again this year, but I didn't mention my own plan and she didn't ask.

The last two of my NaNoWriMo November novels were not fiction at all, but I chose to call them fiction for purposes of the competition. My family moved from the Seattle area to Bahrain in the summer of 1965. It was my senior year of high school, spent falling in love, a star-crossed romance with a side of politics, intrigue and well-known players. That was book one. 

The second covered the next 17 years and included wars in between rendevous with my lover up to the minute I saw him last. That was the minute when I found out the extent of personal danger into which he'd allowed me to be unwittingly placed.

The next book may explore those dangers and maybe a bit about the 1981 fictional terrorist operation so quaintly called a coup attempt. There has been a recent surprising development in my life which begs my attention to historical details of events and relationships on the island and in other countries, so NaNoWriMo is a disciplined approach and the time is right. 

November is just a few weeks away, so I've got decisions to make if I want to have the trilogy finished this year!

#NaNoWriMo #NaNoWriMo2019 #Bahrain #Seattle #Politics #StarCrossedLovers